Under Microscope is a platform where micro-photographers can share their images with the public. On this platform, students can find real images of single-celled organisms; electronics enthusiasts can investigate the intricate details of engineered parts through extreme magnifications; journalists can freely take images for their news stories about a certain disease or scientific phenomenon.
Creators of this non-profit website hope that it will be an inspiration to future scientists. When we look down through the ocular of a microscope, we see a new world and we are excited to share it with you.
In addition to micrography, a philosophy blog is also available to the visitors of the website.
Dr. Halim K. Bas
Blog Posts
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Human Progress: Not Unlimited
Humanity has been working hard on learning how the world works. One crucial aspect of this effort is to educate the next generation in everything
Nonexistence of Essential Living Beings
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The Fetish of Royalty
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